Some images and quotes from Tata Power Camp

Submitted by souravroy on


1)       Very Nice arrangement, the doctor was nice. No Pricking pain. J.Very nice work done by CR Team here. Well organized, will definitely motivate others too to donate. This is my 22nd time donation and I am feeling very happy. Best wishes. Keep up the good work-  Nitin Awasthi

2)       Very Nice encouragement. This is the 6th time I am donating blood. Feels happy. Keep it up. Thanks for the opportunity – Murali.N

3)       Feeling good as it was my first experience- Spandana

4)       It’s a great job where we can help those who are in an emergency and in need of blood. Feeling awesome –  Sumanth N.L

5)       It’s always a great feeling and sense of pride in donating blood. It really boost further when it is such a well managed like this. Good show all, keep the good work. All the very best. Good team and good staff –Ritesh O.mahindrakar

6)       Excellent team work. Good. Keep it up - Hariharan
