Some Drugs Commonly Accepted in Blood Donors

A critical step in the blood donation process is the medical screening of donors. Voluntary organisations and blood banks alike strive to ensure that the process of donating blood is safe for both the donor and the recipient. A commonly asked question in blood donation drives is if the donor has taken some tablets/medicines in the days prior to donation. American Association for Blood Banks lists some drugs commonly accepted in blood donors. This might be useful to avoid unnecessary deferrals.

  • Tetracyclines and other antibiotics taken to treat acne. 
  • Topical steroid preparations for skin lesions not at the venipuncture site.
  • Blood pressure medications, taken chronically and successfully so that pressure is at or below allowable limits. The prospective donor taking antihypertensive drugs should be free from side effects, especially episodes of postural hypotension, and should be free from any cardiovascular symptoms. 
  • Over the counter bronchodialators and decongestants.
  • Oral hypoglycemic agents in well-controlled diabetics without any vascular complications of the disease.
  • Tranquilizers, under most conditions. A physician should evaluate the donor to distinguish between tranquilizers and antipsychotic medication.
  • Hypnotics used at bedtime.
  • Marijuana (unless currently under influence), oral contraceptives, mild analgesics, vitamins, replacement hormones, or weight reduction pills.

Note: Acceptance of donors must always be with the approval of the blood bank's medical director.
(AABB Technical Manual Page-104, 14th edition)