Blood Requests

The details relating to Blood requests

The Bombay Blood Group request - another story to tell

As usual, things were going helter skelter for volunteers of Sankalp when they heard of another patient in need of the ‘golden unit’ - a bombay blood group unit. With already 3 requests for the same running in parallel, finding another unit was as good as searching for a needle in a haystack as big as one can imagine.


Reason to smile

Submitted by ankita on

On 1st of March 2009 we got a request for blood for an anaemic patient. On further dialogue we came to know that patient is admitted in a Government hospital and needs Bombay Blood group units. Doctor informed us that at least 5 units will be required in a period of 3-4 days as patient was suffering from severe anaemia.

Helping Hand for School...

Swami Vivekanand is a small government aided school in Tyagrajan Nagar near Banshankari BDA complex. This school with 5-6 classroom, handful of teacher and financial constrain still manage to give one of the best eduction to near by slum children with annual fee of Rs. 20. The dedication of teachers a sole reason behind the quality education which the children are receiving.

First opportunity

Submitted by Lisha on

This week marks the beginning of almost all the Sankalp volunteer’s first real-life activities. There are 2 activities going on simultaneously. The Project Tiranga volunteers are to start working on “Mission Siachen”, spread the word about Siachen and make and collect as many hand-made postcards as possible, with 26th January as deadline basis. Blood Donation Organization (BDO) volunteers (freshers) would start taking blood requests by accompanying a senior volunteer.

Apheresis knowhow...

All the "Q & A" below may be formed out of wrong conceptions.... please read it very carefully and do the necessary changes.


Q. Special problems faced in an apheresis donation?

A. Even if the weight is above eligibility (60 kgs +) and still, if the platelet counts are low on that day, the donor fails the final eligibility test and cant donate. Another problem with apheresis is that the process of donation takes a longer time that a normal donation.