
Submitted by rajat on
Revolutionaries like Savarkar created an atmosphere which made it possible for Mahatma Gandhi to succeed. It would be unpatriotic if the people of India failed to give Savarkar a prominent place in the history of India. (M. C. Chagla) The role of the revolutionaries has been either ignored or underplayed. It has been so due to two factors, the British rulers and the Congress leaders. Both had their well-calculated reasons.

department of communicable diseases-WHO

Voluntary Blood Donation for Blood Transfusion Safety.

Voluntary blood donation is crucial in ensuring blood safety. It will prevent HIV, Hepatitis B transmitted through blood transfusion. A meeting was organized in Calcutta India to review and discuss the status of voluntary blood donation in the country. There were about 300 participants. Dr Salunke participated in the meeting on behalf of WHO India.

Excuses and duties

Common Reasons given for not donating Blood:

  • My blood is only common group O.

  • I am too old.

  • I think I am Anaemic.

  • I am sacred about giving blood.

  • You would not want my blood, I have had hepatitis.

  • I haven't have enough blood to spare.


The benefits of giving blood

Giving blood is a great thing to do. By making a blood donation, you are not only helping save the lives of people you will never meet; you're also doing yourself a good turn.

A regular check-up

Each time you make a donation, we check your blood pressure and haemoglobin (an indication of your iron level).

The benefits of giving blood