Compulsory Attendance- No Sir!

Submitted by souravroy on

Why do teachers teach the same thing that’s there in text books? A student can anyways study it in a more silent and cozy place than sitting inside a classroom filled with screaming classmates. Knowledge is not the reason students come to class, unfortunately! Alas! Students don’t wake up in the morning and say- “Today I’ll learn Data Structures- I better hurry up for college!” instead they say in worry- “I’ll miss my attendance”. Is attendance the only thing that binds a student to his class? Sadly- Yes!

Now imagine- Crores of students bound to classes for 8 hours everyday, for no reason but attendance; aren’t we hindering their progress? Aren’t we breeding them like cattle tied to one place? What about free thought? Free spirit to grow- to flourish their own special way! Teachers must take it as a challenge to make the classes interesting- and students will pour in- not for the sake of attendance- for knowledge!

Compulsory attendance is the downfall of Indian education system. I faced so much resistance while doing a project and paying lesser concentration on academics- which can be managed by just reading the textbook in a day- why waste a whole semester for it? So here I am- ready to take more- to claim in my own free spirit, shout out loud, when nobody hears- I love this subject!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08-Feb-2010 - 12:04


I think it is not fair to blame the teachers alone for classes not being interesting and informative. Students, with little effort, can prevent teachers from taking us on a ride. I have seen situations where the faculty were forced to prepare well for the class, failing which they were placed in an embarrassing situation of not responding to the volley of clever questions by the students. Students don't have to sit like dumb spectators in the class room. Of course this is not easy and would require lot of preparation from students. Agreed that the system has glaring flaws but highlighting them alone will do no good. Lets take some responsibility and make little effort to put things in order.

Submitted by Jayesh on Tue, 09-Feb-2010 - 19:04


Though the idea is noble and correct but i think situation is not same for all student. Think of a first year student taking admission and getting to know there is no attendance. I don't think he is mature enough to go to class room and see if there is any value in it or not. He will simply not go to classroom. However hard it seems but it's fact student study to get Job not knowledge.

If u think all Students only attend to finally get a job, then i am sorry sir, u are very wrong.

And also Who will offer Studnts job if they dont have an knowledge.

If u own a company and u get 2 application:

1>Full attendance,60 % aggregate and no extra curricular

2>no attendance ,70% , active in sports,co-curricular etc

who will u chose