May 2014, Vol 4, Issue 5

Donor Feedback: Are we listening?

Submitted by sankalp on

Recently a donor shared feedback about some discomfort following a blood donation in one of the camps. Following the routine process, the donor was counselled, reassured and informed that the medical officer of the concerned blood bank will give him/her a call. The contact was passed on to the medical officer. We believed that the matter was taken care and as a routine process we would have called the donor a day or two later just to be sure that he is doing well.

Thalassemia and Us

Submitted by sankalp on

Thalassemia this word is as common as cancer, we understand the pain and the emotions behind cancer, the fear of losing our loved ones almost never leaves our eyes, no stone is left unturned to steer them from death to life, and when you lay your head against their chest and hear the heart beat rhythmically a tear escapes the eyes thanking the wonderful inventions of science. How many of us think about thalassemia in the same way?

Rakta Kranti Annual Report 2013-14

The Rakta Kranti team of Sankalp looks to organize safe and high quality blood donation drives all through the year. Back in March 2007, when this was started the aim was to create a movement to push Karnataka towards 100% voluntary blood donation. Here we bring to you what direction was taken up by Sankalp in the last 1 year for Rakta Kranti.