Most of us are plagued with the lack of understanding of our own nation in a larger sense. Though we are born in a free nation, we hardly know anything about it's evolution since 15th August, 1947. How many of us are aware of Op Blue Star, the 4 major wars, the famines after independence and the major social changes? wishes to pick up a topic of great National Importance each month and present to it's readers an un-biased and clear dealing of the issue. This we hope will build up better leaders for the society who on one hand are equipped with the most modern knowledge and on the other, who have learnt and who fully understand the problems and strengths of this great Nation.
Todo List
- Bhopal Gas Tragedy-Rajat+Lisha
- Rise as a Nuclear Power
- Food Shortage on 60s and Green Revolution - Lisha
- Op White Flood and Dairy Reforms
- Integration of States
- Indo China Conflicts/Wars
- Indo-Pak Conflicts/Wars
- General emergency
- Militancy in Punjab - Op Blue Star - Rajat
- Kashmir Issue - Rajat
- Militancy in NE - Rajat
- Tami(LTTE) related problems - Rajat
- Industrialization by Nehru
- Lifestyle Changes - Maruti, Mobiles and Malls
- Hindu-Muslim Riots
- Linguistic Division of States-Lisha
- Indian Space Feats
- Indian Indegenous Defence Systems
- Population Explosion and Family Planning
- Reservation Issue and Mandal Commission
- Chipko Movement
- Farmer Suicides in India - Rajat+ Lisha
- Water Sharing between States
- Economin Liberalization
- Changing Shades of Media/Press