
Less than 45% blood in our country comes from Voluntary Blood Donors. Only about 40% of the blood collected each year is donated in developing countries which are home to over 80 per cent of the world’s population. The average number of blood donations per 1,000 population is 12 times higher in high-income countries than in low income countries. The only way the problem of blood shortage and consequent pain and deaths can be solved is by a regular supply of blood from safe Voluntary Blood Donors. We have a long way to go to ensure the safety and well being of our people. One of the ways by which you can truly bring about a difference in the world around you is by organizing Voluntary Blood Donation Camps. Not only will you be filling hundreds of families with joy, but you will also be giving many people a chance to do something truly amazing. There is no donation that is as big as donating a part of yourself. So, if you have chose to be the one who will bring about a change for a better world, we wish you Good Luck. This manual is carefully designed for the following purposes:
  • To ensure that the safety and well-being of the people who come to donate is taken care of.
  • To serve as a reference handbook for you while you organize the camp.
  • To ensure that you have no problem in arranging for the camp.
  • To ensure that you get a good donor turnout in the camp you conduct. Please read this manual carefully and go ahead with confidence to realize a better world.