How much we know about our culture?

Submitted by brij_agrwl on

How much we know about our culture?

Submitted by rajat on Wed, 02-May-2007 - 16:35


The only thing that even relates to culture that Indians generally know about is Agri-culture..:)

Submitted by rajat on Wed, 02-May-2007 - 16:43


These days I get to hear about Culture either from Bio-Tech students( bacterial culture) or from the mouths of politicians, press and citizens when someone kisses on stage, or when someone makes a comment, or when someone wears some particular clothes.. When the person is normally living his life, then culture seems to be the burden we all prefer to leave at home. -- Go anywhere in the country and people who belong to the land of "Atithi Devo Bhava" will be found either teasing or cheating foreign tourists. -- The Culture of Sacrifice looks to be sacrificed. -- I can keep counting.. But at the bottom of this all, still, though we may not know, though we may not show, but our culture and our tradition in deeply embedded in our hearts. It is just that the time is so fast changing that in the mad race to the top position and in pursuit of western ideas and way of living, we have put a ban on the manifestation of this internal feeling.

Submitted by Jayesh on Wed, 02-May-2007 - 17:45


When we meet some older people we touch there feet. We take their blessing.. there are many such thing which we are indulge inside us because its our any person born and brought up in India knows INDIA CULTURE... how much we follow it is up to individual...

Submitted by pravsripad on Wed, 09-May-2007 - 21:19


One is not said to be cultured if he has a rich country's heritage for his culture, it is the responsibility of each and every person to learn from his culture- as to exactly how to be cultured..... One may learn everything about his culture and still may not be called cultured, it is therefore a burden on every man to uphold his culture in such a way that he himself is an example to his culture. The profuse use of the word culture has probably made culture less-cultured............... but still i can only hope that i dont make my culture less cultured..... HAIL MY CULTURE- THE INDIAN CULTURE