
Buses turn life savers

If you drop into Majestic Bus Stand late at night someday, you may be able to see 4 boys working with full steam to add another role to the fleet of BMTC buses- the role of a life saver.

BMTC has come forward to take the message of Life -"Looking for Blood? Dial 080-1062) to the masses by encouraging the sticking of CTC Disha stickers in about 100 buses. Thank you BMTC - for helping save lives.


Disha Stage II

Congratulations to all the fans and supporters of Project Disha. We have got the CTC Disha Stage II started. Stage II of Disha will involve doubling the number of blood banks that today share the blood availability with us. This means that we will soon have blood availability across 10 Blood Banks available through CTC.