Republic Day

Lot’s of Blood Drives, Republic Day and Fighting Shortage in Bidar: Busy January 2013

Blood Donation Drives

We conducted 6 blood donation drives in the month, collecting 748 units of blood.


Republic and Democracy

Here are some memerable and remarkable quotes on republic and Democracy-

  • Grant me thirty years of equal division of inheritances and a free press, and I will provide you with a republic.- Alexis de Tocqueville

  • To love without role, without power plays, is revolution.- Rita Mae Brown

The burning Pakistan

Submitted by souravroy on

Pakistan is burning. Perhaps democracy is at test and so also the dynastic rule that started after the martyrdom of Benazir. Can Pakistan be saved? The nightmarish scenario for the world is a nuclear-armed Pakistan going the Afghanistan way and ending up as a dangerously splintered and Talibanised nation.

India's Republic Day

Submitted by aurora on Day, celebrated on January 26th every year, is one of India’s most important national events.ruly Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state.On this day -India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and fundamental principle of governance.

Helping Hand for School...

Swami Vivekanand is a small government aided school in Tyagrajan Nagar near Banshankari BDA complex. This school with 5-6 classroom, handful of teacher and financial constrain still manage to give one of the best eduction to near by slum children with annual fee of Rs. 20. The dedication of teachers a sole reason behind the quality education which the children are receiving.

My Experience....

Submitted by sarica on
Mission Siachen which started long before came to an end from our end. For me working for this project reminded old days when we slogged like anything for SHAHEED BHAGATSINGH and for KOSHISH. yesterday when i came back home i was depressed because i had expected to get more cards filled but i could collect very few from people, almost everyone gave me an excuse why they couldn't get them filled. How can i be depressed being with sankalp volunteers, their actions their talks refilled me with joy.