15 days, 6 requests, 4 transfers: Examples to emulate for rational use and power of collaboration
We share the story of 6 blood requests which were handled between 17th Jan and 2nd Feb 202
We share the story of 6 blood requests which were handled between 17th Jan and 2nd Feb 202
Let us see what May had in store for us at Sankalp.
Rakta Kranti
16 camps were organized in the month of June collecting 1171 units of blood.
i) ITP
BANGALORE: At 13, he is suffering from a disease that requires him to get blood transfusions regularly. Thalassaemia may not be rare, but Kiran Manjappa's blood group is.
The celebration is in the air on the eve of 67th Independence Day.
Recently, Abhimanyu Singh (name changed), a resident of Basaveshwara Nagar was suspected of dengue fever and admitted in M S Ramaiah Hospital, one of the major hospitals in Bangalore.
10 हजार में से एक में ही पाया जाता है यह ब्लड ग्रुप, वैवाहिक जीवन भी दुखमय, पति ने दिया तलाक।
A 34-year-old woman undergoing heart surgery at Yangon General Hospital in Myanmar, received two units of rare HH blood group all the way from Karnataka via courier, perfectly-preserved, and all thanks to Sankalp India Foundation
Medical emergencies have become heavily dependent on replacement blood donations which are not only unsafe but also a way of exploiting patients and their families.